
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Freehand Flowers and Loops

This is Theresa's quilt...isn't it cute?  I love the colors!  Theresa asked for really simple quilting, so I did some...really simple quilting!  Theresa made this along with myself and a group of other women one night in February.  It was a mystery quilt night.  Of course I haven't finished mine yet.

This would be my lowest priced freehand quilting.  If you are interested in having me do something like this for you, please contact me.  I'd love to help you get your tops finished at a super reasonable rate!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Trip Around the World

This is Linda's TATW and she allowed me to quilt it for her.  Linda made it for her granddaughter.  I had a lot of fun with this little gem.  Let me know if you'd like me to quilt for you!  This is considered medium custom in my studio.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Who Doesn't Love a Scrap Quilt?

If you forced me to pick a favorite 'type' of quilt, I would have a hard time just picking one type, but I would have to say I have a special fondness for scrap quilts.  To me, a scrap quilt just epitomizes quilting and the entire history of the craft.  I love history, I love the intelligent use of making due with what you have and being frugal, and I love how I never have to struggle deciding on what fabrics to use when I make a scrap quilt.  I just use scraps with some type of a neutral.  

This is Sandy's bowtie quilt from 1997.  I am grateful that she has asked me to finish this for her.


The backing is a muslin so the pantograph really shows up nicely on the back.  Of course, this quilt makes me want to make a bowtie quilt, too!

 All folded up and ready to go!

 And here it is - the full picture.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Redwork and Feathers

This is Cathy's beautiful redwork Christmas quilt.  I tried to keep the quilting simple, so resorted to my go-to freehand feathers and then swirls in the redwork.  I hope I accented her gorgeous work so it would shine.  I think I may have to start doing some redwork - it would be good to have something to do when watching a movie or on a long road trip.  I've tried my hand at needleturn applique and it was really a struggle, so this may be my new hand work technique...

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Wow, Red and White!!

This quilt is just so striking with its red and white contrast, isn't it?  My customer Laura made this and asked for a pantograph.  I just love how it finished up.  It is another perfect example that pantographs CAN look great on any quilt.  She supplied Warm and Natural batting, and I used Omni on top and So Fine! on the bottom.  I just love the combination of threads.  I really love Laura's quilts and am definitely adding a red and white quilt to my 'to do' list.