
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What do Butterflies and UFOs have in Common?

Oh, my!  I unearthed a bin of "stuff" under my longarm and found a stack of butterfly blocks that I had completely forgotten about.  These were made as part of an exchange in 2002 (I think)!  I had intended on making these for a grandbaby.  Well, four grandbabies later --  I really did forget!  I'm on a mission this year to cross off a lot of "to-do's" -- wholecloth, art quilt, feather meandering, UFOs, stash-busting!! 

I have no idea who will be the lucky recipient of this cute little quilt.  The first picture is without a flash, and letting the quilt "relax" on a bed of beautiful maple leaves.  Taking this picture without the flash highlights the dimension created by the batting. 

This second picture is with a flash.  This is indicative of the true color of the fabrics. 

I got home from work a little too late tonight to take a good picture and won't have time for quite awhile to get a good pic in late afternoon sun - the best time! 

The final picture is of one of the "ghost" butterflies that I stitched in.  I've never tried this technique before, and it was fun.  I found a great new website for creating templates for machine quilting:  Coloring Book - Free Images for Templates

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Freehand Feathers and Stash Busting!

I needed to practice my freehand feathers before I jump in on a beautiful quilt of Laura's.  I can make a feather, I just needed to practice the sizing, movement and "feel" of the overall feathers.  My first instinct was to grab some solid muslin and have yet an
other practice piece with no purpose.  But then I thought, use up some of that backing fabric you've got laying around!  Bust some stash!!  So, I grabbed a cute piece of baby fabric with some cuddly minkie-type fleece and voila, this is what I came up with. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ladybugs ala Patsy Thompson

 I organized a quilt retreat a while ago, and offered my quilting as a prize.  Cathy won the prize and asked me to quilt this cute little quilt for her granddaughter.  Many thanks to Patsy Thompson Designs for posting free examples of her freehand quilting online!  I have used her designs more times than I can count.