
Sunday, January 29, 2012

I Think This is So Cute

I don't know what I will do with it, though, since it doesn't really coordinate with my house...  It will probably end up in my studio on the wall.  I bought three of these last year at Road 2 CA to practice my ruler work and to do small fills.  It was quick and fun to do.

Here is the front...

And here is the back (although I quilted this with this side up)...
This is a close up

I think these are a great idea to practice your machine quilting skills whether you use a longarm or a domestic machine.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Road 2 CA eye candy

I attended Road 2 CA last weekend!  I had a great time.  Stayed with four other friends in a penthouse suite.  We set up five sewing machines.  Gosh, it looked like a sweat shop.  I am wondering how many other guests have asked maintenance to remove furniture from the living room so they could set up sewing machines, ironing boards, and what not.  Crazy!  I came away with some machine quilting inspiration... lots of beautifullly quilted pieces.  I learned some new funky feather fun from Dawn Cavanaugh... what an incredible teacher...  she is so knowledgeable....  I some some quilts that were truly jaw dropping.  The creativity!  Oh my!!

I hope to post more pictures soon.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Free Motion (but intense!) Quilting.... Wholecloth!

I am challenging myself again...  I am working on stitching out some new fillers (at least new to me) on this cute little pre-printed wholecloth.  I am using a weighted bag to steady the fabric so it doesn't jump up and down as I stitch these micro fillers.  (I had a cute little bag filled with popcorn, but can't find it) so I grabbed some rice and stuffed it in a sock.  Works just as well!  I definitely need to wear my glasses this fill is so tiny.  I am not sure which side with be the front - the black or the pink.  Two layers of Hobbs 80/20, and Coats Sylko thread.  I am linking up with Esther Aliu for WOW...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I Wonder What Quilts Were Made Here...

I have an attraction to old, abandoned homes and barns.  I don't have many pictures of them, though, because I am usually in a hurry, or my husband doesn't want to keep stopping every few miles.  Last week while on vacation in beautiful Bear Lake Idaho/Utah, I had time to take some pictures.  Can you see the view of the lake that these pioneers enjoyed?

I am also a curious person by nature.  I wonder who lived in these places, and what their lives might have been like.  I wonder what types of quilts kept them warm, and what they looked like...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sunrise Over Bear Lake

This is what I saw when I woke up last week!  Wow!  I am learning that the more I play with my new camera, the more I need to learn.  I think these came out beautiful, however, I did nothing but choose the automatic button, and let the sunrise speak for itself.  Hopefully I will have some quilting pictures soon.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

...a bit of travel...not much quilting

I received a camera from my windfarmer for Christmas.  With no longarm to quilt with, I am playing with my camera.  I have soooo much to learn.  I have learned that I want a new lens, something with a lower aperture number, and bigger zoom.  I need to sell my Minolta lenses now. 

We are in Utah now.  This is a view of the lake from just above our place.  We have a great view, too, just not one with snow in the foreground.  We came here to ski, but we've only got a 24" base!  So unusual for Utah in January!

Today we went for a ride to Pocatello Idaho to one of our favorite restaurants, Buddy's.  It is near Idaho State University.  On the way, we came across some wild turkeys.  This is a first for me.  Love the barn in the background, don't you? 

 And finally, on our way home, I was able to get my windfarmer to stop the car long enough for me to shoot three pics of the sunset.  Love it! 

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Break from Machine Quilting to Do Some Stargazing...

I have had this bag of strips and blocks in a grocery sack for several years.  I'm working on it now.  It's so nice to have some time for piecing.  Since I am away from my longarm, there are no temptations to load another quilt...  I love these fabrics.  And of course I am thinking while I am piecing this.... "how will I quilt this..."

I am linking up to Lily's Quilts, and since I have fewer than 50 followers, I am following the Small Blog Meet!  Looking forward to meeting new bloggers.  Here is the link to the meet...