
Monday, October 10, 2016

Getting Back in the Groove

First, I'm sharing a photo I took one morning about 7 am when I dropped my husband off to work in the Mohave Desert.  The desert always shows us the best sunrises and sunsets, doesn't it?  
I just arrived back in Montana, and that means I've got a studio with a longarm.  And a quilt that is 80% done and waiting for me to finish!       It also means I've got to get reacquainted with everything in there, and unpack my bags of quilty 'stuff' that I haul between Montana, California, and Arizona.  It takes me awhile to figure out what to take, and then I have to find places for everything when I get home.  It's the story of my life for awhile, and I'm not complaining...much.  I am a bit irritated when I can't find things.  For instance, I know I uncovered my chalk and ounce pads in a bin in California, and was so happy!  I had been looking for them for ages in Montana.  Well, now that I am back I can't find them.  I could have sworn I packed them.  Oh well...    

Saturday, October 1, 2016

It's Okay to Give Up, too...A Series?

In my lsat post I said that it is okay to change your mind, at least I was giving myself permission to do that!  Well, today, I am giving myself permission to give this up, and move on to something else.  It was an experiment and I'm not terribly unhappy that I've decided to quit this.  I didn't buy any fabric, in fact, I made myself just use stash.  I learned some new circle techniques, as well as appliqué ideas.  But this little project is going in a bag until I decided to toss it, or maybe I'll use that background for something else another day. 
I am going to try some different techniques in the next few days.    
Thinking I might like it if I organized the circles.  Not.   

Here are a couple earlier versions.