
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Stress Free-motion Quilting

Finally, something really relaxing! Aren't these cute feathers?

I made my goal, but what a crazy way to get some UFOs off my to-do list!!!  I finished all three of the quilts that I intended to show at my local quilt guild's show this weekend - just in the nick of time.  Literally, I stayed up three nights in a row to almost midnight, then woke up at 5:00 a.m. to go to work (not to mention the first week of school at a new job/school -- yes, I am crazy).  Thursday night I fell asleep sitting upright with a needle in my hand stitching the binding on quilt number three.  I set the alarm for 4:00 a.m. and Friday morning I stitched like a madwoman until 5:45 and FINISHED it!!  We had to be out of the house by 6:15 a.m. for Dean's knee surgery. 

So, short story long, I loaded another carpenter star for a customer/friend and am having fun doing mindless whimsical feathers - no SID, no rulers (at least not so far), and very few thread burying episodes.

I'll have pictures of the third quilt posted soon.  


  1. This is A beautiful design for a triangle. Cheers Glenda

  2. Looks beautiful. Might be stress free for you but not me LOL.

  3. Your feathers are very nice. I love feathers.

  4. Looks great, you've filled the space beautifully. I do find freehand quilting super relaxing too


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