
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Nine! Different Color Threads

It is too dark for me to take good pictures of my zigzag quilt, but I have to write about the NINE different spools of thread that I used in quilting this quilt.  Definitely a record for me!  How about you?  I am sure there are quilters who have used many more colors than I...

I guess I could have used invisible thread, but I didn't have any.  The closest place to get decent invisible thread for my machine is probably a minimum of an hour drive.  So... I changed threads with each zag.  I used only two colors on the bottom, a cream and a light gold.  This is a sneak peak at the back.


  1. Mary, you are such a tease!

    Best wishes
    Kay in Scotland

  2. like the back! I don't think I've ever used more than 3-4 threads on a quilt.


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