
Monday, April 30, 2012

I Am Grinning!

Oh my goodness!  I have been chosen for the Liebster Blog Award!  Just when I was thinking that no one read my blog, and I was becoming a real slacker with my posting (well, I haven’t actually been slacking, just way too busy)…I can’t believe it! 

Thank you to Janet at.What comes next?  Janet, I am humbly honored.  Janet is an extremely talented machine quilter, so this really means a lot to me.  Not only is Janet a fabulous machine quilter, but she does this on her domestic sewing machine.  Amazing!!  If you are unfamiliar with the Liebster Blog award, it is usually presented to smaller blogs as a form of recognition and support.  "Smaller blog" is defined as a blog with fewer than 200 followers.  Well, I guess I qualify for the fewer than 200 followers, and I really do appreciate the support, Janet. 

What is a Liebster?  

"Liebster" means "dearest" or "favorite" in German.   

As a recipient you are expected to:     
Thank the person that nominated you and link back to them.
·         Present the award to five other blogs
·         Let them know by commenting on their blog
·         Post the award on your blog

I would like to recognize the following blogs with the Liebster Award: 


  1. only too happy to give recognition where recognition is due! Hmmm, I see a few blogs I've not visited before - off to visit your nominees!

  2. Mary, thank you so much for the nomination. I love your blog! Thanks for sharing your wonderful work with all of us.

  3. Congrats, Mary!!! Off to check out more of your blog :-)


I love to read your comments, truly! I will answer each one, too! Unless you are a no reply blogger... Please check to see if you are a no-reply blogger.