
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Eclectic Creativity or Just a Scattered Mind?

I guess I would consider my taste in most things rather eclectic.  Whether it is quilting, clothes, food, reading, and gosh, I don't know what else, I like a wide, really wide, variety of things.  Looking around my studio, I noticed that my taste in quilts is eclectic.  I just finished putting together a prototype (more on this 'prototype' later) of Jenny Pedigo's Urban Birthday, and am almost simultaneously putting the border on this Triple Irish Chain.  I am also one of those quilters who will have several quilts in various stages going at all times.  I am beginning to feel extremely frustrated.  We have been so busy lately that I have had very little time to quilt, much less piece.  So, I must be attempting to get it all done at one time, huh?

I also adapted Jenny's pattern so that it would look more like Nouveau Riche, by Toby Lischko (see the little sample in the upper left corner of the design wall).  I can't say that I like one more than the other.  

So regarding this 'prototype'...  it's really not a prototype.  It just sounds better than "I had something completely different in mind, but when I went to the fabric store to purchase the fabrics that I really wanted, they didn't have them, and I wasn't patient enough to wait until the weekend when I would have time to drive the hour drive to a different quilt shop, so I foolishly purchased something else."  I like this pattern, and I even like this little wall hanging...a lot.  I just didn't want these colors for the project that I needed to get done.  I do have someone in mind for this bright little hanging.  I think she will really like it.


  1. Oh my gosh I love your 'prototype' and the story behind the fabrics-I think this is a universal thing, not getting the fabric in mind etc and also not having time to quilt/sew and so trying to do many things at one time to make up for it.
    I'm doing it myself right now--and trying to focus on one thing, but it is difficult. :)

  2. I love your quilts and all the colors you put in them. I also enjoy making quilts and other items. Please join me at


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