
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Is it Possible to Create Too Much Texture?

Maybe...  This is my daughter's quilt.  Isn't it cute?  She had many piecing issues, which I attempted to "quilt out."  haha...  

Anyway, she didn't care how I quilted it, said I could do a real easy e2e, but all that white tempted me to do something more.  

I probably should quilt down those colored parts of the pinwheels to make it a little less texture-ous (is that a word?), but she doesn't care, I don't have time.  So, for now, it will have lots of texture!


  1. OOOOOOO! I did a pinwheel quilt recently and did similar quilting. Tho I did not get near as fancy. It's here -

  2. Mary-I really like the texture, awesome quilting and quilt. I would have done something similar

  3. I really like the texture! Very cool...

  4. oh my I LOVE the texture! I wouldn't change a thing! L.O.V.E. it!!

  5. No such thing as too much texture!! Gorgeous, creative and fun quilting!! I love how it turned out Mary!

  6. No, don't quilt the colored parts down! They're awesome. :D And I really love what you did in the border.

  7. I think you have done a beautiful job, the quilting has really added something to the quilt.

  8. It's awesome! Love the quilting and love the photos too!

  9. I would not sew a single stitch further, it looks perfect, I LOVE IT!!

  10. I love the texture. It makes a flat quilt so much more interesting. :) Admittedly, I over-texture most of mine too. Oh well, it makes me happy.


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