
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Is this a Church or a School? Wyoming, Utah and Idaho...

I love imagining what went on in really old buildings, particularly when you are tooling around Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho and you have been driving for 30 minutes and have seen absolutely nothing other than mountains, fencing, cattle, and a lone ranch house.  Those buildings become so exciting, don't they?

So what do you think?  Is this an old school?  This building is in Ovid, Idaho, (population maybe 20) and is in the heart of Mormon pioneer country, so one would think it would be an old Mormon church, right?

 But maybe it is an old school house.  Do you think so?
 The next time I go, I am going to try to sneak into the inside, or at least get a peak through an open hole!

So then, as you drive around the area a bit more, and you dip into Wyoming, you can't help but see antelope, can you?  These antelope were much closer, but as I approached the fence, they took off!  Can you spot them?  They are the little tiny light spots in the center of the frame.  

So different from the deer that live in my area.  These antelope were fast!  


  1. I love old buildings! The thought of what life use to live in looks like a school? Very cool!

  2. Looks like a church to me, but in the olden days they would use one building for both.

  3. Wow......I love it as well. Thanks for sharing. I always think it's fun to imagine who lived or prayed in an old place like that, and what they might have been like.

  4. what a wonderful old building - I'm leaning to church but maybe it did double duty?

  5. What a beautiful building! I would guess a church, but I agree with the above comment that it may have had a dual purpose.

    There are more pronghorns in WY than people! They have excellent natural camo:)

  6. wow not only a great building but super photos!

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