
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How Do You Display Your Quilts?

Karen, over at  is hosting a fun linky party, and I can't resist.   Karen's displays are really unique and creative, and her photography is great, too.  I think I am going to start looking around for more creative ways to display my quilts since I have quite a few in the closet.  I need to get them out, huh?  If you don't have time to link and post, maybe you can help me to get more creative...

How about this?  When you don't want to buy curtains, and you have lots of unquilted tops, what do you do?  Well, I use them as curtains...  adds a bit of color to the room, doesn't it?  I sure hope I can get time to get them quilted and give them a proper home...
of course, you have to utilize a quilt hanger, don't you?  this one has sentimental value... my dad made the hanger, and the pewter collection was my mom's.

Here's that fun church pew my daughter gave me for Christmas.  She refinished it, and I LOVE it!  It doesn't normally hold quilts, but I have been cleaning and had too many quilts laying around with the bindings unfinished... they can rest here for awhile...

 Nothing too exciting about this blue applique, but I like it.
Finally, here's my favorite.  My wholecloth.  It's the one that really makes me say, hey, maybe I CAN do this longarming stuff...  It has a cherished place next to my Green Bay Packers pennant, and a cool picture of Nemo.  Love Nemo.

Thanks Karen for hosting this fun party.  Now, I have to get back to the longarm.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary. What fun to use the quilt as Curtains. Think I may jst try that one!!!


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