
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Simple and Sweet

I just finished this sweet quilt for a customer.  She made it for her daughter.  I really enjoyed myself doing this one... not one issue or thread break, ahhhhhhh, and I just got to do some really fun quilting.

and here's the view from the back...

I have been so busy with customer quilts, and travel.  We just returned from Montana where we visited our little grands and their parents.  It was wonderful!

I was so busy before we left that I forgot to take pictures of two more customer quilts I finished.  Looking forward to Christmas and more relaxation...

Are you making tons of quilty things for Christmas?  Do you think you'll get them all done?  Last year I over-extended myself... I made quite a few aprons for family and friends, and then made quilty gifts, too.  I always think I can do some last minute gift making and it just makes me crazy.  I am vowing not to do it this year....  Hopefully I will listen to myself...  :)

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty and I'm only making one thing for a gift this year. With all the other normal holiday bedlem plus both of my kidlets birthdays I don't have time for any more.


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