
Friday, June 13, 2014

Halcyon - so Versatile

Halcyon was one of the first pantos I purchased, and it continues to be one I reach for more than any other.  I gives great texture, it's fun and fast to stitch, and it seems to fit with almost every type of quilt. This is Donna's version of a mystery quilt that my sewing group, Loose Treads, did in February.  It was a fun night.  We started at 4'pm, and had until 12 in the room we were in.  I think it came out really cute.  What is the one panto that you use more than others?

Thanks for looking!


  1. Oh that is a really nice panto and I can see why you use it so much. I just might have to put it on my list of must haves! So far I dodnt have a favorite as I am just starting out. I have had my machine now for two years but have not done any customer quilts. Love checking your blog.


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