
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Life Without My Longarm

Right abut the time I decided I needed to take some time off to strengthen my back, we accepted an offer on our home.  I spent several weeks packing and then we stored most of our belongings and moved just the bare necessities to a rental home.  Since I don't have access to my longarm yet, I've been filling my days with other activities.  I have really felt a huge hole in my days without my Innova and had to readjust my life.  

I have lived here in this community for 30 years, and never taken the time to hike to the peak.  This was the view I enjoyed yesterday,

It was such a gorgeous day, the high was 75 degrees.

  It is only 2.5 miles, but it is very steep, and I believe the elevation change is 4500 to 8000. I didn't quite make it, but I am motivated to continue hiking here until I am strong enough to do it.  I think I came within .33 of a mile, so I'm sure I can do it within a couple months, if the weather stays dry.  

1 comment:

  1. gorgeous! We are on our way to Cambria next week. hard week here in Tx with my dad. We had to put my mom in a nursing home today. Dad was fabulous to keep her at home as long as he could. when do you move? I feel like you are moving farther away! Just when I have more time to travel! Hope your 'Innova-less' time flies by!


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