
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wholecloth.....lessons learned #2

The wholecloth is coming along quite nicely.  Here's a couple more lessons I've learned along the way:
1)  Use a spiral eye needle when burying threads.  (I just ordered mine and am saving my burying until they are received.
2)  Wear your glasses when stitching pebbles. 
3)  Sit down on a chair, stool, or something when stitching those pebbles.
4)  Match the thread color to the fabric.  (Have I said that enough?)
5)  Do not attempt to stitch pebbles after consuming wine.

Stay posted for the finished product!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wholecloth.... lessons learned #1

I finally got to load my wholecloth.  Less than 25% done and I've got a running list of lessons learned.  Here we go:
1)  Match the thread to the fabric.
2) Match the thread to the fabric.
3)  Use So Fine (#60 weight) or thinner
4)  DO NOT use a pencil to mark your fabric.
5)  The main plumes need to be larger than any fill you are planning on using.
6)  Make sure you have replaced your cone of thread on the the thread holder (after winding the bobbin) before you take off at full speed. 
7) Match the thread to the fabric.
8)  Save the "thread burying or tying off" for long-winded phone calls to save you time.  I'm all about saving time.  I NEVER seem to have enough for my quilting projects.

Stay posted for lessons learned #2. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Psychadelic Baby #2

Close up of the stitching:

This is what the back looks like:

This fun quilt belongs to Angi.  She decided to go wild with hers, and used as many green, purple and orange scraps as she could find.  It's so cute!  I freehand stitched this one and had a lot of fun with it. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My New Sewing Machine!!

I am thrilled.  I just "won" this on ebay.  Dean just laughed when I told him that - I "won" it.  haha  That's what they tell you when you've bid more than anyone else for that item.  I hope I'm truly a winner, and not a fool.  I've been thinking about getting a featherweight for quite some time.  I keep an $80 machine at our condo in AZ and it makes so much noise it drives everyone crazy.  When I got out my old Singer 99 (circa 1925) and started sewing with it again, it was bliss.  It's quiet, every stitch is perfect, and I love it.  So....  I thought, hmmm, I need a littler one to take to AZ and to our Loose Threads meetings and, ya know, just to look at.  They're so cute!  Th
Is machine is a Singer Featherweight 221' made in 1935. It weighs 11 pounds. I should get it in 4-5 days.  Keep your fingers crossed that I got a good one. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Not your typical Holiday Inn..... this is in Nyborg Strand Denmark

I thought these chairs in the entry were interesting.

The stairway was colorful.

 At first glance you see this picture and you think, okay, nice, but nothing spectacular.

Well, look again....

Yes, they are postage stamps, many, many postage stamps. 

Spirals on a Psychadelic Baby

Far out, man, this is so mod, isn't it?  Joanie allowed me to do spirals on her quilt and I think it was the perfect choice.  Love it!