
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wholecloth.... lessons learned #1

I finally got to load my wholecloth.  Less than 25% done and I've got a running list of lessons learned.  Here we go:
1)  Match the thread to the fabric.
2) Match the thread to the fabric.
3)  Use So Fine (#60 weight) or thinner
4)  DO NOT use a pencil to mark your fabric.
5)  The main plumes need to be larger than any fill you are planning on using.
6)  Make sure you have replaced your cone of thread on the the thread holder (after winding the bobbin) before you take off at full speed. 
7) Match the thread to the fabric.
8)  Save the "thread burying or tying off" for long-winded phone calls to save you time.  I'm all about saving time.  I NEVER seem to have enough for my quilting projects.

Stay posted for lessons learned #2. 

1 comment:

  1. Mary, don't forget to match the thread!!!!!
    love the "lessions learned"


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