
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Star Quilt Done... It doesn't look too bad either...

I have had this on the frame for a lonnnnnngggg time. 

 I attempted curved cross hatching for the very first time.
 It is very difficult to photograph black fabric. 

 I had lots of stand and stare moments, I asked my friends on MQR for their opinions, I even asked my husband his thoughts.  All in all, I think I like the way it looks - particulary the back.  Hey, my husband even gave one of his biggest compliments... "wow, that's cool."   I used at least five thread colors, and I believe that I can now consider myself experienced at burying threads! 

Now just some binding by hand and a sleeve for the local quilt show.  I may hang this quilt in our living room for awhile.  I have always loved black quilts.


  1. The back looks amazing! You have done a fantastic job.

  2. It looks great! I love to see simple shapes like that where the colour of the fabric and the talent in the quilting get to sing.

  3. Very nice. I love all the thread colors on the back. Very pretty.

  4. I love black with colored thread quilting! And especially appreciate and love the multiple quilting motifs with such great textures! Very nice! Glad to find your blog, too!

  5. Wow!! What an amazing quilt!! Incredible quilting!!The back is as beautiful as the front!!

  6. that is a lot of work!! beautiful!!!!


  7. Stunning, Stunning and have I mentioned Stunning??!! Gorgeous. I love the colors on the black. Seriously, your quilt is reversible!! I can't believe that's the first time you used curved cross hatching. It's perfect. Beautiful job!!

  8. I love it! Thanks for showing the back. I love the different thread colors.

  9. I haven't been over to visit for ages, you are doing some fnatastic work, this one is amazing Mary. love the black and back....

    Bst wishes
    Kay in Scoltand

  10. WOWWWWWWW! That is so amazing. Front and back, not sure which side a like better. Just incredible.

  11. Extremely lovely! Make sure the sun doesn't shine on it. A friend in the know said "black fades fast". I had to laugh at the thread burying comment. Do you use a self-threading needle? Saves a LOT of time!!

  12. Your husband has it right - very cool!! I love the quilting design, and the way that it looks on the back is awesome! Whoop whoop!!

  13. That is stunning! Great job!


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