
Saturday, September 10, 2011

I'm Making a Landscape Quilt Triptych

I have never taken a class or studied books about landscape quilts.  This may be a BIG waste of time and money, but I am determined to create this tryptich for my husband's new office.  He is a windfarmer, and has lots of blank walls which probably need some sound reduction. 

I made a rough drawing, and from this, I've got this very rough base of a landscape. I have basted the blue batik until I get the rest of the fabric I need.  I will be doing lots of embellishing, and obviously will be placing wind turbines on it!  Can you believe I purchased this beautiful batik fabric, but forgot to get some gray for the turbines.  I plan to paint the side of the turbines to replicate shading. 
 Here are a few pictures that I am using as a reference.  I just received the picture with the poppies from my friend Carolyn, so I quickly changed my plan to add poppies.  Note the wild horses in the second photo on the right -- I hope to include a couple horses in one of the quilts, too.

 Here is a closeup photo.  Any suggestions of how I should quilt this?  I plan on purchasing some neat embellishments tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hey thanks for finding my blog! ; ) That's beautiful by the way! I did some power lines on a quilt. I found a grey cheapo decorative yarn that I thought had similar colors to the old wood poles, and couched it on by machine. You could fuse fabric too and then stitch. I have such a hard time doing this on batting. I have recently began putting cloth and thread directly onto canvas... all the lumps and bumps bothered me. OTHER people make good landscape quilts, but mine suck. ; )
    ~Monika Kinner-Whalen
    fibre & embroidery artist in Saskatoon


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