
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Introducing the Newest Quilter in the Family

My daughter Christina just started quilting and this is the first quilt she made.  She wanted to do it from start to finish, so I let her use my longarm to quilt it herself.  Here she is with my newest grandchild, Landon Thomas.  He loves to 'hang out' with mom while she is longarming! 

And here is two-month old Landon kicking up his heels and enjoying his new quilt
made entirely by his mom! 

PS - Don't you love the name Landon?  We do!  Our last name is Landon so it has special significance. 


  1. Awww... what a cutie! Great idea to break him in to quilting at an early age!

  2. Hi Mary - I cannot believe how much Cristina looks like you! AND, I absolutely LOVE the name Landon.
    You do great work and seem to enjoy it so much. I am impressed, Kelly


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