
Friday, November 18, 2011

Back from my Quilting Retreat

I organize a quilting retreat at a beautiful location just outside of Yosemite National Park.  It is a fabulous location!  This is the view from the many, many windows as you are sewing.  I have been wanting to make a zig zag quilt and am still using up my stash.  This is one of the two quilts I made while there last weekend.  I love it and can't wait to quilt it.


  1. What a lovely location for a quilt retreat... esp in the fall!

    Your zigzag quilt turned out great... love the colors...

  2. I love your quilt. The fabrics you used were very bold and really make a striking quilt. Can't wait to see how you quilt it.

  3. beautiful quilt, I have wanted to make a zig zag quilt for awhile now
    thanks for sharing the pictures, inspiring

  4. What a lovely venue for a retreat - looks peaceful, I would find it hard to concentrate on the quilting and want to go exploring!!!

  5. Looks striking! I do love a good zig zag quilt!

  6. Wow some retreat. Anyone who organises a retreat deserves a medal. Cheers Glenda

  7. Love the area you chose for your retreat: beautiful. As is your quilt top. I think I might like to do a zigzag quilt....gotta think about that.

  8. Looks like a great place. Love your quilt.

  9. Great quilt! I just started a chevron quilt for my youngest granddaughter's birthday gift. I've never made one before but now think I'm hooked. lol It's going together very quickly which is nice. I haven't been very motivated lately so I wasn't looking for anything fiddly and time consuming.
    Your retreat location is lovely. I'm guessing it's outside the western entrance of Yosemite? Do you ever invite people you don't know? I've been unable to find any quilt retreats anywhere near the Sacramento area. :(


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