
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Modern Quilting for a Contemporary Quilt Top

After many mistakes, I learned a few valuable lessons with this quilt, but I think it turned out pretty nice.  I really tried to come up with some new quilting styles and had lots of opportunity to stretch my creativity with each zag ...or is it zig?  I was inspired by Jenny at sewkindofwonderful, as well as Brigitte at farbstoff.  They share their modern quilting styles through their blogs.  Be sure to check them out!  Thanks, ladies, for posting pictures of your quilting!  Brigitte will be designing fabric for Moda, and has a longarm quilting business in Germany.  Jenny sells her curves ruler and patterns as well as runs a longarm quilting business in Washington State. 

I actually came up with a couple new ideas myself!   I hope to make another zigzag quilt soon, but this time I will make it with rectangles rather than half square triangles.  I have much more stash to bust!


  1. The quilt turned out BEAUTIFULLY! All the different patterns in each row... it's not only the front but also the backside worth to showcase. Wonderful job!

  2. The quilting is gorgeous! What a wonderful job!

  3. fabulous! I love looking at the back and seeing all the quilting designs and the fabulous texture!

  4. Wow!!! That is so creative, I have got to make a zig zag quilt now. So inspiring!!

  5. Very pretty! Love all the different designs in each zig (or zag).

  6. Oh I love this, got to make one. I love how you quilted it. Whoop Whoop! on your finish.

  7. Wow! That is great. I love all the details in the quilting!! Great job

  8. Great job! It's beautiful! Whoop Whoop!

  9. Wow that is awesome quilting! Love the design and colors used in your quilt. I still have to make a zig zag quilt. It's been in my "must make" list for far to long... Thank for sharing!

  10. Really, really nice! Makes me want to make one now. Love your pebbles!~

  11. Great zigzag quilt, and I love that you quilted each row differently! I need to try that, as it seems I'm doing a lot of zigzag quilts lately!! Whoop whoop!!

  12. What a creative idea, and lovely execution too. How fun that you managed a different quiting motif in each zig-zag strip.

  13. Now you've done it. You have inspired me to start a new project after seeing your zig zag quilt. That means one of my UFOs will have to wait a little longer to get completed. Your quilting looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

  14. That did turn out great!! Thanks for the mention too!

  15. Oh my gosh, your quilting is really beautiful! I really like the combination of straight line and circles/curves within. Awesome quilt!

  16. Love THIS! Beautiful, beautiful, Mary!

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