
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Wonderful Quilt Retreat

I just got back from our annual retreat in Oakhurst, just a few miles from the south entrance to Yosemite.  This is the view from the sewing room on Saturday morning.  Isn't it gorgeous?  We had three inches of snow.  It all melted while we were there, and just in time to drive to the local quilt shop, too.

I had a great time.  My daughter joined me this year for the first time, and she loved being able to sew for almost three days with no little ones around.  It was really nice to have her sewing beside me.  She is so creative. 

I didn't get much sleep - I just couldn't sleep past 5:00 a.m., and I didn't get to bed until midnight each night.  That's okay, because I did get lots of stitching done - I made three aprons, one wall hanging, started my first ever applique item, and planned out my next project. 


  1. What a perfect area to spend three days of sewing. A magical place.

  2. how wonderful to have that time together

  3. It looks magical. What a very special time.

  4. I love pictures of snow-so peaceful. What a wonderful view for a quilt retreat and perfect that it melted so you didn't have to be stressed driving in it!!


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