
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Chevron or Zigzag?

 This is my daughter's quilt - she made it for herself for their home.  Love the colors!

not sure if this is a chevron or a zig zag...
natural light...but with a crooked photographer...

late night

This is actually a redo...  Initially I did squiggly lines on the seam lines, but it just seemed too poofy, it needed more quilting, I guess.  So since I love skinning quilts so much (ugh - I really do - just skinning that is, not ripping, I hate ripping) I took out those squiggly lines and did lots more quilting.  I like it!


  1. I like it too! lots of yummy texture with the two quilting patterns

  2. Your quilting is eye catching. I think your daughter chose some wonderful colors for this quilt - bold chevrons and subtle prints on the greens/teals makes a statement. :)

  3. Beautiful quilt, Mary, and I love the way you quilted it! Whoop whoop!!

  4. I love how you quilted the colored chevrons. Amazing!

  5. Elegant and mod quilting scheme. Love!


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