
Saturday, January 19, 2013

For Madelynn

My niece's baby, Madelynn, is seven months old, and she was recently diagnosed with leukemia....  unbelievable...  they found it on her head... they have just completed the first round of chemo on this little baby.  

I know this quilt won't make her feel better, but I live on the other side of the country, so making meals and babysitting their two other children is not possible.  So, what does a quilter do to comfort?  We make quilts. This is going to Madelynn next week.  

I quilted the panto, Camelia, on it.  I am definitely sending good karma with this one.  All the stars were aligned...  perfect tension...  no thread breaks...  the quilting went quick...  I had just barely enough backing...


  1. Mary - sending prayers and postive, healing energy for Madelynn and her family. So thoughtful of you! The quilt is perfect!

  2. Oh Mary I am soooo sorry to hear about your niece's baby, just not fair she's just a teensy little baby. You and the family are in my thoughts. You are such a good auntie sending her a little quilt of hugs.

  3. I am so sorry to hear the news about the baby. Such a shame that the little ones have to go through this. The quilt will be great for her to hold onto during the procedures.


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