
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Do You Machine Quilt in an Apron?

Let me start off by saying that for some reason I am not an apron gal.  I never cook in one, although, I made so many aprons this Christmas that I will make myself one soon, and I will wear it.  And, it will be cute!

I started wearing an apron when I am at the longarm so that I have my scissors, pins, needles, seam ripper, and tweezers with me at all times.

I had been wearing a hideously ugly muslin one that was (hear me gasp) disgustingly dirty.  I even washed it from time to time!  Anyway, I had this neat piece of Ricky Tims' wanna be hand-dye fabric, so I loaded it last night and played.  I just had fun, didn't have one stop and start, no plans and no rulers.

Here it is before finishing the edges - back side.closeup of back side

Oh, oh, oh!!!!!  I remember when I was early in my longarming life, and I HATED Superior's Lava.  Well, I tried it last night, just because I rarely use variegated thread, and thought, what the heck!  Well, it was beautiful, and bonded well with So Fine! in the bobbin.  It is much thicker than I am used to, but it went great - tension wise.  :)

 front side...
 proud grandma!
 Me, modeling my handy-dandy apron!
The little triangle at the top is detachable with a handy-dandy safety pin, and it holds my needles and pins.  It looks so much prettier than that ugly muslin one.  I even modeled this, which is shocking, because I never like my pictures.  I don't like this one either, but what the heck.  I even figured out how to set the timer on my  Canon.  Love it!!


  1. Great idea...... I use the old and reliable nurses hip bags. Best little investment I've ever made, everything gets shoved into that little purposeful bag. I may just venture into the world of quilting one, ... nah, I can't even find the time to do my own quilts, let alone an apron!

  2. what a fun apron! What batting did you use in it?

  3. Very cute idea! I'm always ripping holes in my shirts from the pins. This would definitely prevent that. Awesome job and very lovely quilting.


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