
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

First Quilt on My New Longarm!!

I am on cloud nine....   I cannot believe what a difference I am experiencing with my Innova 22" with lightening stitch.  It is just fantastic!!  I honestly have to pinch myself to believe this incredible machine is mine!!

The back.

Close up...

Another shot of the back.

Well, Laura benefited from the smooth moves, as hers was the first top I quilted on it!  I used a panto, Patriot, on it.  Laura supplied her batting, Warm and Natural, and I used Glide on top and So Fine! in the bobbin.

I really enjoyed myself on this one.  I think Laura will really like this.


  1. Congratulations on getting a new longarm!! Looks like you two make a good team :) Enjoy!

  2. Nice work! Glad you got a new longarm. Looks like you have it mastered already. Did you get a computer on this one?

  3. WooHoo! So happy for you, and your quilting looks fabulous already. You are in for such fun. Congratulations!

  4. I am so glad you are lovin' your new machine right away and no learning curve!

  5. Welcome to the happy world of Innova! I snagged the last spot in the June 24 class in St George. Is that the one you are going to? I can't WAIT! I have 2 friends that are going to tag along and have a mini retreat while I'm in class..I have NOT woken up in the middle of the night worrying about THIS purchase!


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