
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Modern LOVE

I really love this quilt of Angi's.  I love the colors, fabrics, pattern, and I had a blast quilting it.  Swirls, figure eights, lines without rulers, and absolutely p.e.r.f.e.c.t. tension.  Yep.  Not one issue.  My Innova just swirled around that quilt like butter.  I feel so fortunate to have fun customers with fun tops who let me do what I want.

 I may be making a quilt just like this for my grandaughter - different fabrics though.  How would you quilt it differently?  I'd like to keep it this same density so it still has flexibility and not too stiff.


  1. sweet! I like how you've quilted it, wouldn't change a thing!

  2. I second that quilting motion (tee hee)! I wouldn't change a thing either - the quilting just makes it perfect!!! I love how you quilt things!

  3. Beautiful Mary! I think what you did was perfect! Wow!

  4. That's a neat pattern for the top. Do you know the name? I think your quilting is beautiful with the combination of straight lines, ribbon candy and swirls. You nailed it, so you don't need to modify this.

    However, if you wanted something different, you could change the straight line border to alternating swirls, then you could add a new element in the larger centers - something that fits the theme of the next quilt.

  5. Wow this is spectacular! Thanks for sharing.

  6. OMG that is soooo neat how you quilted it!

  7. The quilt itself is very nice, but your quilting is just incredibly wonderful!

  8. Gorgeous quilting! Love your design, choice of motifs. You aced this one!


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