
Monday, October 28, 2013

Missing Quilts and Labels

I haven't seen this in quite a while...  I don't think I've lost it...yet...  I can't really blame its missing status on anyone else...I don't think it's been stolen, and I'm not really alarmed because i have misplaced an item or two in my life, and they have always turned up, right where I left them.  So weird...

I haven't torn the house apart, but I have looked around a bit.  I took it to a quilt shop in Bakersfield to show my work, hoping to get some referrals from them.  That is the last place I've seen it.  If it fell in the parking lot, I don't know how they would have known it was mine because I DIDN'T HAVE A LABEL ON IT.

I really do need to start placing labels on my quilts.  I need to find a permanent pen that doesn't wash out.  How do you label your quilts?


  1. I write with a permanent sharpie on muslin. Been thru many washings and its fine. I know some folks like embroidered labels and, i agree that they are lovely and professional looking. I just like the idea of my own handwriting so that in the future my great grandchildren will get a glimpse of me....maybe!

  2. I print out labels on my computer using paper backed fabric that you run through your printer. I get it at JoAnn's just make sure it's the washable kind. I do leave a space after where my name is printed so I can sign it with a Micron Pen. I used to use Sharpie's but I have some older quilts that the ink has faded and a few that it's gone. It's very difficult (I think) to hand sew it onto the back so I machine stitch a border around the label first then either applique it to the back after the quilting is done or & this is my Preferred way: if I'm piecing the backing I'll piece the label into the backing, then it's done and I don't have to worry about it.
    I sure do hope you've only misplaced that quilt-it's a beauty.

  3. oh I do hope it turns up! I'm not really good at labelling, but I'm trying to get better - these days I use a Sharpie or a micron pen and write the info either directly on to the back of the quilt, or on a separate label that I then stitch on. My writing is not very neat, but at least some of my quilts are getting marked!

  4. I use a 6" square of muslin folded in half diagonally. I write on stuff on one side of the triangle and, with the raw edges & corner matched with one corner of the quilt, sew it on with the binding.... making it hard to remove without some serious effort.

    I do hand sew down the folded side of the label to the quilt....doesn't take long.

    I use a Pigma Micron pen with archival ink....not suppose to rot the fabric over time.

  5. I used the Printed Treasures sheets and after trying to write on fabric and hated the way it looked, I've stuck with the printed versions instead. I've seen many premade labels and I do like them but I prefer to add a bit more person info on each of mine. Good luck finding this one.


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