
Friday, February 21, 2014

Americana or Primitive?

Cathy made this beautiful quilt.  if you needed to label this 'type' of quilt, what would it be called?  Primitive?  Americana?

I haven't been exposed to very many of these type quilts, and am so impressed by the workmanship and detail that goes into the construction.  Each block is unique and has its own story to tell.  Many of them have hand stitching.  I just love this quilt.  Cathy is so generous, too.  She must give away one quilt each month!

 I tried to stay within a budget, so no rulers were used on this one, and I also tried to move from one block/motif to the next without tying off and restarting.

I think the back looks fun, too!
Thank you Cathy for letting me quilt this for you.


  1. Love what you did on this quilt. Do you happen to kinow it's name?

  2. So lovely - bet your customer was enchanted!


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