
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Freehand Flowers and Loops

This is Theresa's quilt...isn't it cute?  I love the colors!  Theresa asked for really simple quilting, so I did some...really simple quilting!  Theresa made this along with myself and a group of other women one night in February.  It was a mystery quilt night.  Of course I haven't finished mine yet.

This would be my lowest priced freehand quilting.  If you are interested in having me do something like this for you, please contact me.  I'd love to help you get your tops finished at a super reasonable rate!


  1. Pretty quilt, and I really like how you quilted it. I'm impressed! My freehand tends to go all over the place.

  2. sometimes simple is best-your loops and flowers are lovely!

  3. I love this quilt! Can you tell me what pattern this is made from?


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