
Monday, April 14, 2014

One Week In...

Can you believe... one of life's major milestones and I haven't announced it on my blog?  A year or five ago I was thinking that I would be shouting it from the rooftops, but no!

Since this is primarily a quilting blog, first let's take a look at Diane's quilt, and this new pantograph - Flicker - I just love it, and think it's perfect for this quilt.

Now, for the announcement.......One week ago today was my official retirement date from my job as a school secretary.  I worked in that job for 20 years.  20 years seems like such a long time, but it sure went fast and other than a couple bad years, it was great.  I didn't make much money, but it was great being at the same junior and senior high schools as my daughters, having all the holidays off with them, and a lot of the summer each year.

I have been so busy this last week that my head is spinning.  I've been doing a lot of customer quilting, and hope to continue on for a long time.  I had hoped to have a good customer base when I did retire so I could enjoy a busy quilting business.

My list of tasks to accomplish in the near future is 20 items long!  That doesn't include all my long-term goals either.

Are you working at a job other than quilting?  Are you quilting as a business?  Are you quilting for fun?  I'd love to hear how this hobby obsession fits in your life...


  1. Congrats on your retirement! And the quilt is lovely too :). I work half time and it still seems there are not enough hours in the day to do all I want to do. My house is not as clean as I would like because I steal time from there to quilt :).

  2. beautiful quilt Mary, and congratulations! I wish you every success with meeting all your goals! I work full time, but only quilt for myself - there is just not time in the day to do what I want to do for me, let alone fitting in other peoples quilts. Selfish? you bet! Housework is one of those things there isn't a lot of time for, too.

  3. Congratulations on your retirement Mary!
    I quilt full time as a business but don't overbook my time, I still like to squeeze in a few of my own quilts. I like that I can be as busy or take time off when I need too. Love being my own boss!

  4. Happy retirement my friend! I don't work outside the home but you pretty much know my story already, LOL craft shows is my main thing, but I have gotten in 9 customer quilts so far this year and I usually don't do more than 4 in a whole year, haha.
    There just isn't enough hours in my day anyway! BTW what part of Calif are you in-anywhere near Santa Ana?

  5. Congrats Mary! This sounds like heaven to me. I work a full time job and quilt in the evenings and weekends. I probably have enough business to quilt full time but I need my health insurance so I continue to work. Good luck to you!

  6. Whoo hoo for you! I'm sure you are going to be busy with so many new things now. I hope I get to retire some day.

  7. Congratulations on your retirement. If you're like many of my friends who've retired, you'll soon wonder how you ever had time to work! Enjoy getting those things done on your to-do list!
    I work part-time, usually 3 days a week, in a card and gift shop and I quilt part-time.


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