
Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Home of the Brave Quilt

It is always an honor to quilt one of these quilts. 

 I've written many times here on my blog about how I think of the recipient of the quilt that I am quilting, no matter what type of quilt.  I always wonder about them and how they will use the quilt.  In the case of these quilts, I truly focus on the families of the soldiers for whom I have previously given quilts.  I am presented with information sheets from our coordinator and it, unfortunately, makes it that much more real.  For those of you who may be unfamiliar, these quilts are presented to the families of soldiers who have died while serving our country.  I cannot imagine their grief.
 I think this is a great cause, and I sometimes feel a bit guilty about the satisfaction I receive for working on one of these.  Isn't that the way giving a gift goes?  Oftentimes we get more from giving than receiving.

Home of the Brave quilts are replicas of Civil War blankets, and they must be this pattern, and this size, but with varying fabrics.  The coordinator of the Kern, Orange, and San Diego counties lives right here in my town, so I am privileged to do a couple of these quilts each year.  I hope to do more in the future.  

If you are reading this and you are current or former military, I want to sincerely thank you for your service to our country.

1 comment:

  1. That is just wonderful, both the quilt and the love that goes with it.


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