
Friday, September 5, 2014

Finishing a Handquilted Vintage Top

My friend asked me to finish this quilt.  It was made 25+ years ago by her stepmother for her daughter.  Her stepmother couldn't finish it, and felt really bad, and asked my friend if she could find someone to hand quilt it.  No luck there, but I was able to finish it for her.  It was a fun challenge.  I wanted it to look very similar to her hand quilting, and it needed to copy her motifs exactly.  

I think this is the tiniest set of feathers I have ever done.  The quilt was about 70% done! I just needed to do three of the blocks! sashing around them! and the feathers around the outside.  

The original quilters work was excellent, and her needle turn Dresden plates are fabulous.


  1. Wow, beautifully done! What a treasure for your friend and her family.

  2. That is really fabulous and so wonderful that you were able to get it completed for them.

  3. wow, what an incredible way to finish that quilt. Love it.


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