
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Why I am Addicted to Fabric #4 and What I'm Doing When Not Quilting

Wouldn't you agree?  Every quilt tells a story.  A story of a wedding couple, a newborn, a college or high school graduation.  I will be thinking of who will receive it, who will be comforted by it, what I was feeling at the time I designed it, what was going on in my life, where I was living, and so on. 

I'm becoming more and more surprised as I come across pictures of quilts from, say, 10 years ago.  They bring back memories that would otherwise have been forgotten.  

Beginning as a preteen through high school I kept a diary and wrote in it every day.  I have no idea where it ended up.  I moved in high school and I think I tossed many things I might have kept had I not moved.  I also had a pen pal in North Carolina with whom I faithfully corresponded for at least five years.  I'd give anything to read either that diary or those letters now to get a glimpse of who I was at that time.  I've always been intrigued with old diaries.  Ones I've found in antique or thrift stores, published fictional diaries, and let's face it - who didn't love The Diary of Anne Frank?

I don't have any desire to keep a diary now, but at least I can use my quilts and the quilts that I have quilted for others to help me remember events in my life.  This fuels my desire to create more.

How about you?  Did you keep a diary?  Do you keep one now?  

I'm not near my longarm and too busy to piece a top.  I have been here at the river hanging out with friends and family.  We've been to the pool almost every day, riding the waverunners, and done some boating at the lake.  Yesterday was crazy busy here so we watched all of it from the deck rather than dealing with all the crowds.  

We watched the fireworks from the airport overlooking the river and casinos.  They were spectacular.  

1 comment:

  1. I kept a diary too as a preteen and into my early 20's and I too have no idea what happened to it-guessing it got thrown out when we moved too. No time to keep one now, but I guess it is in the form of a blog these days.


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