
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Spineless Feathers, Continuous Curves and My Family

This beautiful quilt belongs to Sherrie and I was so thankful she asked me to quilt it.  This quilt was originally meant to have a panto on it, but it has a flange, so that would have been a problem trying to keep that flange down and not caught in the needle.  So Sherrie agreed to a light to mid custom budget.

I was inspired to do my feather arcs like this by seeing pictures of Bethanne Nemesh's sampler quilts online.  I love her work!  It was fun to do these super easy feathers, and I always love to do continuous curves and challenge myself to the least amount of starts and stops - kind of like a puzzle!  

I used Hobbs 80/20 and Superior's So Fine thread. 

I haven't posted pictures of my family lately, so I thought I would post a few today.

My younger daughter and her two children:

My older daughter's two children, and then one of her family.

If you're reading my blog, PLEASE leave a comment!  I'd love to know if anyone is reading this (other than the few wonderful people who do leave comments - thank you for commenting last week on my YouTube video!  I'd like to do more blogging and less of the other social media apps.  I'd also love to read your blogs, so please leave a comment!   Thanks!!

Thanks for looking!  


  1. You know I don't belong to the quilt cult, but I love and appreciate them. Your quilting is so beautiful. It's fun to see pictures of the family too. I can't believe how they have grown.

  2. Yes, I do read your blog, all the time. Love your quilting.
    Goodness what handsome family!

  3. The quilt looks great and I'm sure she was thrilled.

  4. I read! I have been waiting for full photos of your playful quilting on this quilt. It's fantastic!

  5. Hi Mary! We just returned from our Utah and Yellowstone trip! So playing catch up this week. I love seeing your daughters and their family! They look like you :-)

  6. Oh my!!! I'm so glad you didn't do a panto!!! Your rendition of Bethanne's feathers is so perfect and "yours"!!! I love flanges but when it comes to the quilting, creativity/flexibility is definitely needed!!!! Love the piecing, too!!!!

  7. I looked at your fabulous quilting. I understand how you feel. I have a blog too, and I often wonder if anyone sees it. Maybe that's for the best. If you want to see and comment, go to

  8. Catching up on blogg reading after a holiday and then straight back into 12 hour shifts. Glad your customer agreed to light custom. Love your quilting and isn't Bethanne inspiring.

  9. Catching up on blogg reading after a holiday and then straight back into 12 hour shifts. Glad your customer agreed to light custom. Love your quilting and isn't Bethanne inspiring.

  10. Lovely quilting on Sherrie's quilt! It is inspiring to see such amazing work. Also I appreciate sharing photos of your family. My kids have grown and moved out west (I live in the Washington DC area) and of course, I miss them a lot. So I enjoy seeing photos of other quilters' kids who live nearby.

  11. Beautiful quilting enhances that gorgeous fabric on the quilt. Cute kids too!

  12. Your quilting is beautiful on your customers quilt. It's a gorgeous design. Lovely family photos, too.

  13. New visitor to your blog, here. Wow, what a fantastic quilt! Your quilting is perfect for it. I know what you mean about the puzzle of figuring out how to minimize the stops and starts. I really like designs that allow me to make like the Energizer Bunny...keep going and going and going...!

  14. Beautiful quilting, Mary! It's always fun to see what others are doing and get new ideas that way! Whoop whoop!!

  15. I love this bright and happy quilt! Your quilting is beautiful! I just found your blog today, and wanted to know if the beautiful star and patches quilt featured first on the right sidebar is your creation or someone else's pattern? I would love to have it! I am enjoying your blog, seeing all of the lovely creations. You have a beautiful family! Aren't Grandkids the best?! I have 4 of them :)

  16. Здравствуйте ,случайно зашла в ваш блог .очень понравился.Я из России .хочу выучить английский язык.

  17. Pls i need this pattern. Im making my last quilts due 2 arthritis. This will be next to the last 1. Pls let me no how i can get it. Its beautiful


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