Elizabeth made this top over 12 years ago and had intended on hand quilting it, but let me have some fun with it instead. She gave me a lofty poly batting, and I used Glide thread.
These pictures do not do it justice. This quilt was done with light to medium custom quilting. I did have to use a ruler a bit which would take it from light to medium... the circles in the middle of the feathered x's and then the chris-crossing needed a ruler. I did my best straight stitching around the actual spiderwebs. The scrap strips were not all equal sizes so I couldn't use the seams as a guide. My feathers were what I call "easy feathers" as there was no backtracking. I needed to keep this as light as I could.
I can't wait to make one of these for myself now. Thanks for looking! Thanks, Elizabeth, for letting me quilt this for you.