
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

More Contemporary Fun!

 If I make two quilts from the same pattern back to back, is that just because I love the way they look, or is it bordering on obsession?  I think I may be obsessed.  While I am making the second one, I am imagining the third and fourth.  This could become a problem, considering I have deadlines approaching, and they don't include Urban Birthday patterns.

I was having fun with my camera yesterday.   I thought I would show off the gorgeous scenery I have all around me.  You can see the mountains above the fence line.  

This version of an Urban Birthday quilt is destined for our condo in Utah.  It has lots of blank walls that need some excitement! 

And here is that cute little wall hanging laying on the front lawn, with the beautiful oaks in the background.  The butterfly bushes haven't bloomed yet, but when they do, they really do attract monarch butterflies.  

Here is another view to the south.

A close up of the quilting...

Okay, just one more, I promise!

And then I couldn't resist this beautiful clematis climbing up to reach the arbor.  I just love my new camera!

And I have no idea what this is!  I have several of these growing on a tree in the front yard.  I planted the tree about six years ago, and can't remember the species.  This is the first time I have noticed it to bloom.



  1. Beautiful pictures! Love your quilt!

  2. Wonderful quilts and photos, I can see why you're obsessed that is a great pattern!

  3. Your tree is a tulip poplar.
    Great quilt and what a lovely place.

  4. Wonderful quilt! Great pics, too! Luv the scenery.


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