
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Machine fill or not to fill

I am ever so slowly making progress on my triple Irish chain.  I have stitched out all the patterns on the white blocks, and framed them with straight lines.  I have auditioned a couple fills with super large basting stitches and they didn't jump up off the fabric and tell me that they looked great.  So, now I am wondering if I should fill the areas on either side of the straight lines, or just leave it as-is.  I really wanted to do something incredible, but I just don't see it happening.

 Honestly, I think this is the worst part of the process, deciding how to quilt the quilt.  I used to think that it was the fabric selection.  Not anymore.  I have taken classes, and scoured online resources trying to learn, but I usually doubt my decisions.  What the heck!!??!!
Once I decide if I am going to fill around the straight line frames, I have to decide how I will quilt the borders.  Ugh.....Can I just pay someone to make those decision for me?  I am good at following direction.


  1. What about CC in the beige half triangles around the squares? It would continue the CC like you did in the small squares....but done in beige thread.

    Can't help on the pic!! ;-) Good luck!

  2. yes, trying to figure out how to quilt is just as hard as picking fabric for me.

  3. I finish the CC in the beige blocks and leave the rest of it as is. Turning our beautiful. I can't see the border but I think feathers would fit nicely with your design.

  4. I am late in replying, but I think this is turning out beautifully. I totally agree with you about the decision process of what to quilt. I struggle with that every time.


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