
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Remembering My Mom

My mom passed away two weeks ago from leukemia. She was 85 years old, and would have celebrated her 64th anniversary with my dad on October 2.

She had the best sense of humor. Being around her reminded you to lighten up, because she always found humor in her daily life.

I hope to be half as thoughtful as she was, never forgetting a birthday or anniversary, and we had a large family. She was the type of person who after spending some time with you, would go out and pick up little things that she noticed you needed, or would make your life easier. When they visited, I knew that when I returned home from work I would find my house cleaner and more organized than I had left it.

My mom was adventurous. Although her family had no money, she worked through high school so she could ride a horse at a stable once per week. My mother moved across the country several times and considered it an adventure. My mom traveled to all 50 states, and 11 foreign countries. She took downhill ski lessons at the age of 52 and rode in a hot air balloon when she was 78.

My mom taught me how to sew at age 8, and it was seeing her Quilt in a Day Log Cabin quilts that motivated me to become passionate about this art. For quite a few years I would save my unbound quilts for her to hand stitch.

I didn't get to live near my mom for most of my adult life, but always felt very close to her, and called her frequently for advice, instruction, and recipes.

I will be trying to comfort my dad as much as I can, and hope to get him to come to stay with us, at least on a temporary basis. I will be holding onto all the great memories I have of my mom in the years to come.

This is her favorite quote:

May You Have...
Vision to See, Faith to Believe, Courage to Do, Heart to Love


  1. Mary, that is a beautiful and wonderful tribute to your mom. What a inspiring and amazing person you describe. Your life has been blessed because of her. You and your dad are in my prayers. ~karen

  2. I am so sorry for your loss Mary, I have lost both my parents several years ago, I know how hard it is. Thank you for sharing a little of your mom with us, some of it reminds me of my mom. Take care.

  3. So sorry to hear about your Mom. But what an adverturous lady she was!! My Mom was just diagnosed with CML and I hope I get a lot more years with her....Your post was fantastic! Hang in there...

  4. Mary...I'm So sorry about your loss. How lucky you're to have had such a wonderful and kind mother. I hope you can find peace in that. Take care of yourself.

  5. My sympathy to you and your family, Mary. Losing our mom is the hardest thing, I think. take care.

  6. Mary it sounds like your mom was an amazing woman and lived life to the fullest. What an inspiration to you and everyone that knew her. Mom's are special so hold those memories close to your heart, they will help you through this difficult time.
    Take care.

  7. Mary,

    What a heartwarming tribute to your mom. It just makes me chuckle when I think of your mom and how she was able to make us laugh and feel at home in her house. I'm giggling now at the thought of her. I can't think of a better way to leave a mark on this earth than as a smile on the faces of those who knew her.

  8. Mary, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. Reading about her made me wish I had met her! {{{{{hugs}}}}}, Beth in AZ

  9. Sorry to hear about your mom Mary, it sounds like you had a wonderful relationship with her and I really enjoyed reading about her.

  10. your mom was a wonderful woman and seems so easy to love....i know you will miss her, but just pass the love and wisdom on...


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