
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Road 2 CA Purchases

I had a GREAT time last weekend, and am still recovering from a lack of sleep.  We bring our sewing machines and sew in the room 'til late at night, and then just cross the street to check out the show whenever we want!
 I bought some new thread.  I was directed to the Wonderfil booth to get some thread for my next wholecloth.  The guy was such a good salesman that I ended up buying six cones of  Invisifil and Deco Bob.I also bought more So Fine!
I bought just a bit of fabric.  Other than a jelly roll of Kaffe Fassett, and some black Kona to go along with it, and some white Kona to finish up another UFO...  ugh...  three yards of each, I bought five yards of Kona solids in different colors to go with other Kona solids that I already have.  Christina and I will be sharing the five yards of solids for a Skillbuilder BOM.  

I bought this really cool tumbler ruler at Road.  I thought it would be great for scraps... and I had this jelly roll for years, it was given to me as a gift, but I just couldn't figure out what to do with it, so,... I used them with the tumbler ruler.  Now, to decide how to quilt that one!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Practicing Feathers

I can't remember the last time I quilted feathers.  I LOVE feathers!  But the last few quilts I have done didn't call for feathers, or they were modern, or, I needed to do a panto.  So...  I have had these orphan blocks on my design wall.  Not sure what I was going to do with them.  Yep, I slapped some big borders on this cute little pumpkin and added some orange thread. It was so much fun!

 I started out without a warm up.  I won't do that again.  I had intended on NOT doing hump and bump feathers, but then I just naturally did.  That's how I learned.  Then I corrected myself to do more whimsical ones.  I took a class last year at Road 2 CA from Dawn Cavanaugh (great class!) on whimsical feathers.  I haven't practiced them once.  I will be posted more about feathers, that's for sure.

Not sure I like the way I did the background to the pumpkin.  I just followed the design in the fabric.  Oh, well, I am NOT going to skin this one.  Nope!  I just did some skinning yesterday.  Once a week is enough!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

For Madelynn

My niece's baby, Madelynn, is seven months old, and she was recently diagnosed with leukemia....  unbelievable...  they found it on her head... they have just completed the first round of chemo on this little baby.  

I know this quilt won't make her feel better, but I live on the other side of the country, so making meals and babysitting their two other children is not possible.  So, what does a quilter do to comfort?  We make quilts. This is going to Madelynn next week.  

I quilted the panto, Camelia, on it.  I am definitely sending good karma with this one.  All the stars were aligned...  perfect tension...  no thread breaks...  the quilting went quick...  I had just barely enough backing...

Friday, January 18, 2013


 I made this top a couple years ago, and just this week finally got it quilted!

I used one of my favorite and most used go-to designs from Patsy Thompson.  I love Patsy's free motion quilting, and best of all, she posts it free for us to print and practice!  I have been using her quilting designs for several years now, and they are just fun!

  My daughter gave me the jelly roll, and I used amandajean's free pattern

I will be keeping this quilt to snuggle under on movie nights.  I wanted to keep it simple and soft, just like the fabrics.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Field of Flowers With Closeup Quilting

 Well, I finally have some close up photos of this wall hanging.  It was really fun to make, and I would love to make another one in a different color scheme.  Not sure what, but I sure like it.  It was super easy, too!

  I found the pattern in a magazine that I had laying around for a couple years.  It makes me second guess my past habits of tossing things after a few months if I don't use them.  I just get so tired of all the clutter, but now I think I should just do a better job of organizing.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Bear Lake Utah

 We have a place at Bear Lake Utah, and we love to go there... for the solitude, the quiet, the views... we just love to go there.  Last visit brought some unique views - check out that cloud!  It was so dark and so low, I thought it was going to drop right into the lake.  These pictures were taken from our deck.

 Views of the south end of the lake, getting lighter...

 Views of the extreme south end...taken from the car... heading up to the Summit then down through Logan Canyon.
That's it, no quilting pics today.  I am working on a really sweet top that is being done with a quick freehand Patsy Thompson style.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Chevron or Zigzag?

 This is my daughter's quilt - she made it for herself for their home.  Love the colors!

not sure if this is a chevron or a zig zag...
natural light...but with a crooked photographer...

late night

This is actually a redo...  Initially I did squiggly lines on the seam lines, but it just seemed too poofy, it needed more quilting, I guess.  So since I love skinning quilts so much (ugh - I really do - just skinning that is, not ripping, I hate ripping) I took out those squiggly lines and did lots more quilting.  I like it!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Field of Flowers

I posted about this a few weeks ago, and it's now quilted, just waiting to be bound.  I can't seem to make it home from work while I still have daylight so I will have to take closeup pictures another day.  Lots and lots of pebbles and paisleys...

Sunday, January 6, 2013

What's Cuter than an American Girl Bed & Quilt? and a bunch of other stuff

Isn't this so stinkin' cute?!?  My daughter,, made this bed and quilt, and of course, I did the quilting.  

It has been a busy Christmas here in California.  My first Christmas season without my mom, so thank goodness I had my immediate family around me to help.

Just the girls here... all three of us showed up in long black sweaters and tall boots!  Great minds think alike!

Here are the "girls" play-fighting just like they were 10 and 12.

One of my fabulous Christmas presents.  Christina found this old church pew and revived it.  What a surprise.  I love it!

Christmas morning...  she loves her American Girl doll and bed,
 a close up of the quilting...

I was trying to get a new photo for my online community since I am now three years older and quite a bit fatter than the last picture.  WHAT HAPPENED TO MY EYEBROWS?!?  I think they are now on my chin!

This is what my entry looks like now with my new church pew.  Love it!

My other incredible Christmas gift from Amelia and family...  Yep, a kitchenaide!  Making whipped cream!  Love it too!  I had to use it Christmas day.