
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Why I am Addicted-to-Fabric #1

I could make this a 22-part series, but I'll start small, you know, I don't want this to end up like a failed New Year's resolution.  Maybe the number one reason I am addicted to fabric is that I can make things to give to people I care for.   I found out that a dear friend has had to begin chemo and undergo a second surgery for breast cancer recently.   You know that feeling when someone gives you a gift?  A handmade gift?  Well this friend needs to feel that.

My memory is so bad, but I do remember most of the gifts I have received, and who they were from. I love giving gifts, don't you?  I am not the most thoughtful person, though, for instance I rarely remember to send a card, and I'm not good about welcoming people to the neighborhood with a freshly made pie, but at least I can make a quilt for someone who really needs comfort.  I have good intentions of making and quilting quilts for various philanthropic charities, but I'm lucky if I get two of those done per year!  

So while I am making someone else's day, I am also benefitting by being able to create with fabric.  We will talk about all those sensory things in another installment.  :)

Anyway, this is a Plus Quilt, and the PDF pattern is available to download for free from Craftsy.

used fabrics from my stash, and quilted it with one of my favorite pantographs, Turbulence.  I don't know if you can see in the pictures, but I used a light teal thread.  I had envisioned lots of fun modern quilting on this, but I soon realized if I wanted to get this sent to my friend soon, I needed to do a quick quilting on this.  

Since I have retired from my day job, I have found many, many new things to pique my interest.  Way too many.  Do I have to sleep?

 One of them is learning to play the guitar.  

I just finished an eight week beginner course, and have really enjoyed it.  I've played past the pain and wear my callouses proudly.  I am planning on memorizing all the major chords so I can take the intermediate course in the fall.  I had no idea how hard it was to learn to play the guitar.  Did you?

1 comment:

  1. This is gorgeous........and if you had to use a pantograph, I don't think you could have chosen a better one. The quilting AND the colors are stunning !


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