
Friday, May 22, 2015

Why I am Addicted to Fabric #1a and What I Do When I'm Not Quilting

First I have to share these views with you.  Isn't this gorgeous? I'm loving being back in southeastern Idaho, even for a quick drive through.  I drove under some pretty gorgeous storm clouds.  

Back to quilting stuff...Last week I said that probably the number one reason why I am addicted to fabric is that I can use the fabric to create quilts for gifting.  I shipped three quilts last week to family and friends.  Yes, three. 

 A year ago I would have never imagined being able to do that., but since I have retired from my regular job, and have scaled back my longarm quilting business, it allows me more time to do things like make quilt tops.  If you are a longarmer, you can completely relate.  You are so busy quilting other people's quilts that you rarely have time to make your own.  

So this week I am sharing pictures of two of the recipients of my quilts.  

My niece and my sister in law.  

And one more beautiful storm picture...I am traveling for the first time since January.  It was so nice to be grounded in Montana for four months, but now that I am on the road I am happy to see more beautiful, familiar scenery.  

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous scenery. I share your sentiments on having a stash so to create and give to others-few of my quilts stay with me. Love the two quilt you have gifted. I am just sewing the binding on a Plus quilt that was all pluses but I love this design with the negative space-next project maybe!


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