
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Why I am Addicted to Fabric #2 and What I Do When I'm Not Quilting

 First, a quick pic of some vintage jewelry I'm playing with. 
Color!  I'm addicted to fabric because colorful fabric is so emotional, wouldn't you agree?  Blues may create calmness, yellow cheeriness, and gray solemnity.  Working with fabric evokes so many moods.  We may not realize it at the time, but color can truly change our moods.  Some people crave pastels, whereas I crave brights.  I am leaning more and more toward solid brights, too.  

What do you think this says about you?  As we evolve our psyches may need certain colors to affect us, and I imagine it is ever changing.  Speaking of change, how often does your favorite color palette change?  I would say mine is frequent but has consistently stayed in the bright zone for a few years.  This is definitely not true of my home decor, but it is with my quilts.  I would say my home decor is fairly neutral, and that's probably why I love so much color in my quilts.  

My most popular quilt with my online followers, according to FB likes, Pinterest pins, and blog comments...

When it was my turn to win blocks at a monthly BOM exchange, I got to pick the pallette as I was the second to last to win.  Of course I chose solid brights.

Not a quilt or fabric, but the clematis I recently planted.  

A WIP that's been on the design wall for a lonnnng time...
One of my most favorite quilts I've made...

This week while I'm not doing things related to fabric, I'm doing some jewelry making making with vintage pieces.  

This is so much fun, but I'm spending way too much time on Pinterest and Instagram searching for jewelry making inspiration!

Thanks for following along, and I hope you'll comment with your favorite color pallette.  Have a great week everyone!  

1 comment:

  1. I love bright clear colour palettes too! I'm particularly drawn to greens and blues, teals and turquoise. Yum! You have so many lovely quilts Mary, such a treat to see them. Have fun with your jewelry making!


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