
Monday, November 30, 2015

I'm Starting to Like This

I'm using lots of pictures from Judi Madsen, of greenfairyquilts, to guide me on this quilt. It laid around for months while I debated how to quilt it and last week I just decided in a spur of the moment to pull it out and finish it. 

Indecision and fear should not be about quilting, for Pete's sake!  It's supposed to be about relaxation, after all, it is a hobby, right?!?

I wouldn't do the same quilting a second time, though. Waaaaay too many starts and stops for a non-show quilt. Don't you wish sometimes that you had the heart and the motivation to make a second quilt exactly the same as the first, but quilt it better and differently?

Thanks again for stopping by!  If you are a blogger and I'm not a follower, please comment here with your blog name and I'll follow you!


  1. Mary, I can't wait to see the whole quilt, it's gonna be a stunner I bet!

  2. Thank you so much for this post! Your work is inspiring and amazing...yet indecision and fear hinder your process. That's certainly what my holdup is as a beginning "quilter". I've got the piecing down but the "quilting" gives me hives for sure! Make a decision and do it. I can do that too. Thank you!

  3. Indecision and fear. Very common. Drawing on acrylic over the blocks doesn't truly give you good vision of how it looks quilted, the markers usually are thicker and darker that the thread we stitch with. I struggle with those gorgeous designs with starts and stops, really increases the billable hours. I love where this one is going! You are doing it right the first time.

  4. Your quilting is beautiful...even though there are lots of starts and was well worth it and you will enjoy this quilt for a very long time.

  5. While it looks time consuming, your quilting is gorgeous. I just recently found your blog from a link on Vicki's. I blog at Quilt Kisses.

  6. My big stoppers also....indecision and fear. I have many quilts that I want to do some decent quilting on but those two keep my back. I keep telling myself that no-one else will see it and if I mess it up I can always throw the quilt away......but I still don't get started. I, too, have lots and lots of photos of Green Fairy's and lately Kathleen Quilts.....but still I don't start! Keep going as I know you will be learning lots and will learn to do it faster next time. Keeping posting photos.

  7. You are not the only one liking this piece! Beautifully

  8. Judi is one of my fave inspirational ppl, too. Your interpretation/application of her ideas is perfect for this quilt and is YOU!!! As much as I totally LOVE this style of quilting, I rarely do it for the same clients don't want that kind of investment and the starts/stops are a tad much.......BUT the results are show-stopper!!!!!!! Cheering you on!!!!!!!!! and sending hugs......... (I wish that your blog settings would allow me to comment with my WP tag-"Treadlemusic", but it will only accept my Google acct...sigh)


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