
Monday, December 7, 2015

Crayon Practice

When I saw Judi Madsen's Bohemian quilt, I knew it would be a perfect layout for some blocks that I had won in a block exchange with friends.  Of course, I knew I would be using many, many of her quilting ideas as well.  She is so talented.  So here it is, Crayon Practice.  My quilting was a lot of practice in ruler work, SID, and just plain custom quilting.

I love the way the texture shows in the sun.

I think my favorite part of the quilt is this little blue border.

I think this quilt will spend most of its time on this wall in our bedroom.  

Here is a shot of the quilt on the quilt hanger my dad made, and in the cabinet below, are some of the quilts I inherited from my husband's family.  


  1. Love the quilting you did on this quilt. Colours are nice & bright, which I also like. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Absolutely stunning! What a joy it will be to see it on the wall each day!

  3. It was worth every stitch you put into it, so beautiful!

  4. Your quilting is gorgeous. I love seeing it displayed in both places.

  5. That is just gorgeous. I love the designs that you used for it.


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