
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Teaching "Learn to Make a Quilt" was Rewarding!

During the month of March I taught a series of classes to six adults though our community education program.  It was so rewarding! I created a pattern using the Irish Chain block for table runners that finished at 18x42. I really wanted to keep it small so they could have a finished product.  The first week was cutting, then we progressed to seeing the blocks, then machine quilting using a walking foot, and ending with the binding.  I had to add a fifth class just to get all the information to them.  

Three of my students finished their table runners in class (with the exception of hand stitching the binding down on the back), two students should have finished theirs at home because they had to miss the last class, and one student was a dropout.  😝

These ladies were great, and I'm so proud of them.

These are the class samples I made to show them how using different fabrics can make a big difference.  

And on the non quilty side of my life, my husband spoiled me with not one, but two birthday gifts.  I got a brand new mountain bike, an orange Trek, and this incredible Taylor guitar!!  
Thanks for stopping by!  If you don't see your blog in my sidebar, comment here and I'll stop by yours. I'm going to be spending more time blog surfing and less on Instagram in the future.  


  1. Happy Birthday and those are wonderful samples for your class!

  2. How rewarding to teach others to quilt! Their runners are lovely.


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