
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Focus! Focus! Focus! or lack thereof...

While I was in California this past month, I think I started no less than six projects.  It kind of drives me nuts that I do this, but this is how my brain works.  I have no idea if I will finish any of them.  I have really been struggling with confidence in my abilities and thinking I am creative enough.  I couldn't think of any other way to fight that lack of confidence than to just do something.  So I drew out three or four Wholecloth designs, and started an original pieced quilt, too.  I purchased EQ7, too!  Oh, my, I've forgotten that one.  Along with that, I've been messing around with designs for this quilt top, and skinning the border on one I started last year.  

Until my husband retires, I will be in a constant state of travel.  I will be spending time here in Montana, then in California, and also to our condo on the Colorado River.  I haven't even unpacked from my last trip, and will need to pack up in a couple weeks again.  My last trip, I packed up enough projects for two years!  NOT going to do that again (I really really hope I won't). 

My focus for the next month or so is going to be quilting this top, and finalizing one Wholecloth design. There, I've said it, so now I have to do it, right?


  1. Good luck - your schedule sounds crazy busy!

  2. Have fun with it all! I'm notorious for getting distracted and starting new stuff, but that's the way creativity goes sometimes!


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