We used to belong to an active gourmet dinner group - I think we started over 20 years ago, but haven't done anything in about six years. There were eight of us to begin with, and then we added another couple to make ten. Dean and I decided to host a reunion (I planned ahead - can't believe it, because we are usually best at spontaneous entertaining) and we had it last night. I think it turned out great.

Since we were the hosts, we got to decide what the theme would be and we chose French. Maybe because we went to France in June, and maybe because I haven't cooked much French food. I can't believe it. I have been known to make lots of ethnic foods - Sushi, Thai, Chinese, Mexican, Italian, German, Polish, Greek, etc. I used to make crepes years ago, but I think that's it. Dean and I made Boeuf Bourgiginon and Potatoes Au Gratin. Tons of cream and bacon and butter and oooh, la, la, it was really, really good. Probably my best effort with our gourmet group.
Dean couldn't find any sunflowers at the store yesterday, but he did find these yellow flowers, and I pulled every piece of blue glass from my house and put it on the table. We used my blue and yellow dishes, and I even whipped up six new napkins - couldn't make all ten because I just didn't have any more blue/white fabric. I tell you, I have really been on a stashbusting roll lately!!
Of course, I have tons of quilts all around my living room. At one point, I had only one, but have really been using more lately - why not? I love them, and I love fabric, and they really warm up our house - with all that tile it can get a bit austere looking.

My tablecloth wasn't big enough so I took a couple pieces of fabric and tucked it under the tablecloth and it worked.
View from the front door entryway. Maybe the best thing about entertaining (which we rarely do anymore) is that our house is clean, and will be for a day or two.... at least until my quilting crap gets scattered from here to the other end of the house!!
How about you? Do you entertain anymore? Do you have your quilts displayed around your home?