
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Why I am Addicted to Fabric #2 and What I Do When I'm Not Quilting

 First, a quick pic of some vintage jewelry I'm playing with. 
Color!  I'm addicted to fabric because colorful fabric is so emotional, wouldn't you agree?  Blues may create calmness, yellow cheeriness, and gray solemnity.  Working with fabric evokes so many moods.  We may not realize it at the time, but color can truly change our moods.  Some people crave pastels, whereas I crave brights.  I am leaning more and more toward solid brights, too.  

What do you think this says about you?  As we evolve our psyches may need certain colors to affect us, and I imagine it is ever changing.  Speaking of change, how often does your favorite color palette change?  I would say mine is frequent but has consistently stayed in the bright zone for a few years.  This is definitely not true of my home decor, but it is with my quilts.  I would say my home decor is fairly neutral, and that's probably why I love so much color in my quilts.  

My most popular quilt with my online followers, according to FB likes, Pinterest pins, and blog comments...

When it was my turn to win blocks at a monthly BOM exchange, I got to pick the pallette as I was the second to last to win.  Of course I chose solid brights.

Not a quilt or fabric, but the clematis I recently planted.  

A WIP that's been on the design wall for a lonnnng time...
One of my most favorite quilts I've made...

This week while I'm not doing things related to fabric, I'm doing some jewelry making making with vintage pieces.  

This is so much fun, but I'm spending way too much time on Pinterest and Instagram searching for jewelry making inspiration!

Thanks for following along, and I hope you'll comment with your favorite color pallette.  Have a great week everyone!  

Friday, May 22, 2015

Why I am Addicted to Fabric #1a and What I Do When I'm Not Quilting

First I have to share these views with you.  Isn't this gorgeous? I'm loving being back in southeastern Idaho, even for a quick drive through.  I drove under some pretty gorgeous storm clouds.  

Back to quilting stuff...Last week I said that probably the number one reason why I am addicted to fabric is that I can use the fabric to create quilts for gifting.  I shipped three quilts last week to family and friends.  Yes, three. 

 A year ago I would have never imagined being able to do that., but since I have retired from my regular job, and have scaled back my longarm quilting business, it allows me more time to do things like make quilt tops.  If you are a longarmer, you can completely relate.  You are so busy quilting other people's quilts that you rarely have time to make your own.  

So this week I am sharing pictures of two of the recipients of my quilts.  

My niece and my sister in law.  

And one more beautiful storm picture...I am traveling for the first time since January.  It was so nice to be grounded in Montana for four months, but now that I am on the road I am happy to see more beautiful, familiar scenery.  

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Why I am Addicted-to-Fabric #1

I could make this a 22-part series, but I'll start small, you know, I don't want this to end up like a failed New Year's resolution.  Maybe the number one reason I am addicted to fabric is that I can make things to give to people I care for.   I found out that a dear friend has had to begin chemo and undergo a second surgery for breast cancer recently.   You know that feeling when someone gives you a gift?  A handmade gift?  Well this friend needs to feel that.

My memory is so bad, but I do remember most of the gifts I have received, and who they were from. I love giving gifts, don't you?  I am not the most thoughtful person, though, for instance I rarely remember to send a card, and I'm not good about welcoming people to the neighborhood with a freshly made pie, but at least I can make a quilt for someone who really needs comfort.  I have good intentions of making and quilting quilts for various philanthropic charities, but I'm lucky if I get two of those done per year!  

So while I am making someone else's day, I am also benefitting by being able to create with fabric.  We will talk about all those sensory things in another installment.  :)

Anyway, this is a Plus Quilt, and the PDF pattern is available to download for free from Craftsy.

used fabrics from my stash, and quilted it with one of my favorite pantographs, Turbulence.  I don't know if you can see in the pictures, but I used a light teal thread.  I had envisioned lots of fun modern quilting on this, but I soon realized if I wanted to get this sent to my friend soon, I needed to do a quick quilting on this.  

Since I have retired from my day job, I have found many, many new things to pique my interest.  Way too many.  Do I have to sleep?

 One of them is learning to play the guitar.  

I just finished an eight week beginner course, and have really enjoyed it.  I've played past the pain and wear my callouses proudly.  I am planning on memorizing all the major chords so I can take the intermediate course in the fall.  I had no idea how hard it was to learn to play the guitar.  Did you?

Saturday, May 2, 2015

This reminds me of Chocolate and Caramel and Coffee

I was gifted these beautiful batik strips and made this tumbler quilt several years ago.  It has lingered in my "to be quilted" stack for way too long.  I decided to take this one out of the bin and add some pretty custom quilting on it.  It will be gifted to a dear friend very soon.  I had a blast quilting this.  Why?  Well, because it's mine, because I didn't have a budget, because I wouldn't stress if it would be liked, I didn't have to worry if I was going too slow, because I could keep the quilting light, and on and on.  It's not fantastic, but it's done, and it's pretty, and I know my friend will love and cherish it. These are just some of the concerns when you quilt for a business.  

Thanks for stopping by.  I will be posting later this week the specifics of how I quilted Jackie's appliquéd quilt.